Drop In Wellness Zen-Stations
Park Shops 200Drop In and experience peace of mind and relaxation at any of our Zen-Stations. Enjoy snacks, games, stress reliever kit, DIY with Essential Oils and more.
Drop In Wellness Zen-Stations
Park Shops 200Drop In and experience peace of mind and relaxation at any of our Zen-Stations. Enjoy snacks, games, stress reliever kit, DIY with Essential Oils and more.
TRIO – EAC Drop In: Individualizing Self-Advocacy: Applying Your Clifton Strengths to Activate Your Advocacy
Park Shops 204Foster self-advocacy skills in a variety of possible scenarios by using an intersection of your strengths and your personal identity. Enhance your advocacy toolbox by identifying areas of personal growth…
TRIO – EAC Drop In: Living Your Love Language
Park Shops 204Discover your love language and empower yourself to utilize it in your professional and personal relationships.
First in the Pack: Faculty & Staff Panel
Ocracoke Ballroom, Talley Student UnionTRIO – EAC Drop In: Major Managing
Park Shops 204Learn how to better organize and manage your time in your undergraduate career! Come learn how to slay the day away and learn how to use different organizational skills and…
TRIO – EAC Drop In: Self Care and Wellness
Park Shops 204Promote your own self-advocacy through the six NC State-endorsed wellness frameworks, including Purpose, Community, Social, Financial, Emotional, and Physical. Learn about how to reflect on areas of wellness you can…
TRIO – EAC Drop In: Self Advocacy and Accommodations
Park Shops 204Stop by to find out more about academic, dining, and housing accommodations offered at NC State. Learn how to advocate for yourself to your instructors, request accommodations, obtain the necessary…