: Before I Let Go
Picking a major should balance your interest and abilities to be successful. It’s time for some self-reflection! Does your major reflect your interests, values, and challenge your abilities?Register at: https://go.ncsu.edu/mvwa8mx
Graduate School Funding Applications
go.ncsu.edu/mcnairzoomfall2021Graduating SeniorsAll graduation seniors will be required to complete at least one external funding or fellowship application. During this session, scholars will be tasked with making progress on at least…
: Professional Mentoring Monday
They made it, so can YOU! Students will have the opportunity to engage with alum from various colleges in a wide of professions and receive feedback about their experiences and…
Cisco Virtual Company Visit
https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/j.php?MTID=m682789a2698fe6d0fde021b5a5b37bbfCisco will be hosting a virtual company visit. Located in Research Triangle Park, Cisco specializes in computer science, hardware and software development, sales, administration, and more. Learn about opportunities for…
Let’s Chat – Convos with the Counseling Center
The Counseling Center will host virtual sessions and drop-in support space from 3:00-4:00 p.m. on the following days: September 1st - What is Anxiety Really? (and how can I work…
SAS Company Visit
https://ncsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcodeuurDksGNG2Y1fe6c7pfXzCJ4EHyS7YSAS, the Analytics Software company located in Cary, NC will be hosting a virtual company visit. Learn about opportunities for you at SAS, including internships, co-ops, and careers.Register at: https://forms.gle/7psSGFuJbHLfUQHX6