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NC State College Advising Corp Information Session

The NC State College Advising Corps (CAC) believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities. We are seeking to fill a few remaining college adviser positions for the 21-22 academic year! If you are interested in a post-graduation position where you can make a positive impact and develop as a professional, please…

Mindfulness & Mediation (Virtual)

Mindfulness meditation session focused on positive energy, self love affirmations and reassurance. This will help boost your confidence to advocate for yourself. Register at:

Pre-McNair Scholars Information Session

Are you a first or second year student who is interested in pursuing your doctorate? Have an interest in original research? Join us to learn more about the Pre-McNair program, and how it can serve you! Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 96201225890, passcode: 232553) Join by phone (US) +1 301-715-8592 (passcode: 232553) Join using SIP…

Ronald E. McNair Information Session

Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 96269785899, passcode: 485171) Join by phone (US) +1 470-250-9358 (passcode: 485171) Join using SIP (passcode: 485171) Joining instructions: Meeting host: wtward3@ncsu.eduJoin Zoom Meeting:

Drop-In Coaching with Trevor D.

Every Tuesday in Park Shops 204 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.  Topics Include Time Management, Career Coaching, Interview Prep, and more!

Wellness Day: Sand Art

Relax and play in the sand! Listen to tropical sounds and the ocean while you relax your mind!

MBTI and You: Using Your Preferences for Success (Virtual)

Are you an extrovert or an introvert? What’s the best way for you to come to conclusions: by thinking or by feeling? Not sure what any of this means? Join us for an introduction to MBTI and your four preference pairs that can be used to enhance your understanding of self, your motivations, your natural…