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Pre-McNair: Intro to Research

This workshop will show participants how to seek credible information on topics of relevance to themselves, while familiarizing themselves with the research process. Participants will learn about various credible search tools in order to find primary sources of information, how to properly cite these sources, and how to analyze these sources for key information.

Sisterhood Dinner: Re-envisioning an Equitable Workplace

Talley Student Union, 2610 Cates Ave, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

The Sisterhood Dinner commemorates the contributions and accomplishments of NC State women. It was originally called the Susan B. Anthony Dinner but was changed in 1999 to the Sisterhood Dinner to encompass all aspects of the achievements of women. The 2023 Sisterhood Dinner theme is Re-envisioning an Equitable Workplace. Program will email students to attend on…

Drop-In Coaching with Trevor D.

Every Tuesday in Park Shops 204 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.  Topics Include Time Management, Career Coaching, Interview Prep, and more!

Research Presentations (All Scholars)

Conducting research is an exciting task, but you can’t just let your findings sit on a shelf. Presenting your research is a key component of the research process and an important part of your graduate school application. You will learn about the do’s and don’ts of presenting, different forms of presentations, creating a 3MT slide…

Ronald. E McNair Information Session

Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 92973449404, passcode: 155416) Join by phone (US) +1 929-205-6099 (passcode: 155416) Join using SIP (passcode: 155416) Joining instructions: Meeting host: wtward3@ncsu.eduJoin Zoom Meeting:

TRIO Student Success Conference

North Carolina TRIO Programs will be hosting the TRIO Student Initiatives Conference on Saturday, March 11th, 2023.This will be a conference hosted by NC State, but featuring TRIO students from across North Carolina. Students will have opportunities to attend one of two opportunities:Leadership Conference: sessions and workshops to learn about academic empowerment, financial literacy, personal…

NC TRIO Student Initiatives Conference

Centennial Campus Raleigh, NC, United States

TRIO Talent Search will be attending the NC TRIO Student Initiatives Conference on Saturday, March 11th, 2023. Transportation & Lunch will be included. Admissions Sessions (for high school, transfer, and collegiate students) Variety of Workshops Campus Tours International Service Project Academic Competitions Space is limited to 30 students. Please note: The no-show policy will be…


Graduate School Tours

Additional details to come! Check your email for the interest form.