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Let’s Chat – Convos with the Counseling Center

The Counseling Center will host virtual sessions and drop-in support space from 3:00-4:00 p.m. on the following days: September 1st - What is Anxiety Really? (and how can I work with it) September 15th - Drop-In Support October 6th - Imposter Syndrome October 20th - Drop-In Support November 3rd - Establishing Boundaries November 17th -…

UGA Virtual Info Session

TRIO Student Support Services is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 997 1451 7719 One tap mobile +14702509358,,99714517719# US (Atlanta) +14703812552,,99714517719# US (Atlanta) Dial by your location +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta) +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta) +1 646 518 9805 US (New York) +1 651…

UGA Virtual Info Session

TRIO Student Support Services is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 997 1451 7719 One tap mobile +14702509358,,99714517719# US (Atlanta) +14703812552,,99714517719# US (Atlanta) Dial by your location +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta) +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta) +1 646 518 9805 US (New York) +1 651…

: Professional Mentoring Thursday

They made it, so can YOU! Students will have the opportunity to engage with alum from various colleges in a wide of professions and receive feedback about their expeirences and current professional roles.

Mock Interviews

Returning ScholarsIt's time to get prepared to ace your graduate school & REU interviews! Join us in this interactive session as you get prepared to impress your graduate schools and research mentors and show off your skills as a scholar!

: Sophomore Success Career Readiness Series: Learning LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides a space for everyone to connect with professionals near and far! If you're not sure how to truly benefit from the platform and maximize it's use, join us as we discuss all things LinkedIn.Register at:

Let’s Chat – Convos with the Counseling Center

The Counseling Center will host virtual sessions and drop-in support space from 3:00-4:00 p.m. on the following days: September 1st - What is Anxiety Really? (and how can I work with it) September 15th - Drop-In Support October 6th - Imposter Syndrome October 20th - Drop-In Support November 3rd - Establishing Boundaries November 17th -…

Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety & Stress

Practice breathing away anxiety and stress as the semester comes to an end.

Last Dollar Scholarship Information Session

Talley Student Union, 2610 Cates Ave, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

Join the Goodwin Meissner Family to learn about applicant eligibility and the application process for the Last Dollar Scholarship. This scholarship is only open to Pell-eligible TRIO and Pack Promise Scholars at NC State. To register, visit: